Tag Archives: peace

Meditation for inner religious peace

The idea behind this meditation is to get to know your own religious archetypes and then create peace between them. Thus enabling you to live in inner religious harmony. Once you are in inner peace, you will be able to project this inner peace all around, bringing peace to the world outside of you as well.

Go to your favorite meditation place, sit down and relax your body and your thoughts.

Allow your mind to quiet down and breathe all the day’s worries out of you. R e l a x.
Once you are in a relaxed state, go deeper into yourself: allow you heart to take you into it self, until you find yourself in the inner temple inside your heart. Ask the spirit of God to join you in your inner home. Surrender to God. Let him/her take care of you. R E L A X and E N J O Y yourself!

Send love to yourself and then receive it from yourself. Allow a bubble of love to be created around you. Feel this love and surrender to it. En joy. Inner joy.

Now you are ready to begin:
Call the inner religious self. (for example, if you are a Christian, then call the inner Christian. If you’re Muslim then call upon the inner Muslim, etc.) Let’s assume you are a Christian and you want to make peace with the rest of the religions around you.
Call upon your inner Christian and let your heart connect you to him/her.
Ask the inner Christian to join you inside your inner home, your inner temple.
Ask the inner Christian: How are you? What do you need to be happy and to live a joyful life?
Let the inner Christian meet the spirit of God inside your inner home. Ask and allow God to supply the inner Christian with all his/her needs. Thank God for his/her help.

Now call upon the other inner religious archetypes in you. Call upon the inner Muslim, the inner Jewish, The inner Buddhist and the inner Hindu. Invite them all into your inner home, your inner temple. Ask them all, one after the other: “What do you need to be happy? To live a fulfilling life?”
Let all the inner religious archetypes, enter your inner home and let them all meet the spirit of God in you.
Once they have all met God, ask them all to allow God to provide them with everything they need.

Now comes the hard part… 🙂

Allow the inner Christian to meet with the inner Muslim.
Ask the inner Christian: “What do you need from the inner Muslim so you that you two can live in peace and harmony?” Than ask the inner Muslim to provide those needs to the inner Christian.
Now change the roles: Ask the inner Muslim: “What do you need from the inner Christian, in order to live in peace with him?” Now ask the inner Christian to provide the inner Muslim with his needs as well. Now that they both have their needs fulfilled, ask them to make inner peace between themselves. Ask them to open their hearts to one another with love, understanding and respect. After all, we are all one… 😉 You can now let the inner Muslim and inner Christian become one.

Now repeat the process with the rest of the them until all the inner religious archetypes know each other and are in peace with one another… ..Until they are all one.

Great! Allah / Elohim / God / Vishnu is great!

Peace! Arje Sakari Silander

How to build a Lemurian Light Beam crystal device

In the spring of 2010 I visited a place called Kursi, which is located on the shores the shores of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. Kursi is famous for the swine miracle that Jesus did. According to an Israeli researcher, there is a Lemurian city in there in another dimension. In that city there is a light beam generator made from five crystals.

The five crystals are arranged so that there is a large crystal in the middle pointing upwards and four other crystals arranged around it. The four crystals have been programmed to collect energy from there surroundings and to feed that energy to the big crystal in the middle. The big middle crystal then collects that energy and creates a light beam that harmonizes the area.

A few months ago I decided to try and copy the design of the kursi crystal device and build a smaller version for home use.
The first device worked so well I began building devices for my friends from polyester. Unfortunately polyester turned out to be too poisonous to work with. So I simplified the design, and began using glass and sand instead.

So here is my guide for building a Lemurian light beam crystal device

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